Archive for the ‘Kyle’ Category

  • 30 Years

    Date: 2017.04.30 | Category: Kyle

    30 years have come and gone and I still miss your face.

    I miss what could have been.

    I miss all those days when I could have held you near.

    I miss the dream that is still so vivid of you and Codey playing on a hill somewhere.  The grass is green.  The sun is shining.  I can feel the warmth on my face.  I see you both in little bib overalls and bright colored shirts.  I see you toddling and falling.  I see you running to your daddy.  I hear our laughter and I feel the love.

    It was the most beautiful dream.

    But the reality is that your daddy carried your 3 pound 8 ounce body, in a little white box, to the place your body would lie.


    Thank God that isn’t forever for you.  Thank God for the blessed hope of forever!  Thank God for the beautiful dream of seeing you again.

    Because you aren’t in that little white box.

    I know that.

    I know you are happy!

    I know for you it will be but a blip in the time of eternity.

    I know your death allowed me to not fear death and to realize the shortest of lives can have the most amazing amount of worth.

    I know all of this but I still miss you.

    I still wish I could celebrate your birthday!

    I still wish I could kiss your face!

    And even though I know that your death took us on the most amazing journey…

    The truth is…

    Five days wasn’t near enough.

    I still miss you.

    I wish you were here.

    I know that is selfish, but it is the truth!

    One day closer to seeing your sweet face and holding you again.

    Happy birthday Kyle!

    Your brother misses you and so do daddy and I.

  • Happy Birthday Codey & Kyle

    Date: 2013.04.30 | Category: Codey, Kyle, Photos

    My life was forever changed the day Codey and Kyle were born.  You can’t go back to who you were after something like that happens.  Trivial things were soon forgotten.  Material things were soon forgotten.   When you have to bury a son and your son who lives is forever changed, you don’t have a choice but to grow up.

    I don’t have a perfect life.  Truth be told, to most my life would seem extremely boring.  I wake up every day and go to Farrell’s (for my “me” time) but before that I change my son and I give him a g-tube feeding.  Codey is unable to do most things for himself.  I feed him by g-tube six times a day.  I feed him by mouth three times a day.  I change him.  I bathe him.  I brush his teeth.   Add to that trying to do laundry, dishes, cook all the meals, run everyone everywhere,  homeschool my other kids and just be their mom and well, that seems like a pretty boring life.

    I have always wondered if there was something really wrong with me? I’ve heard others describe me as a PollyAnna or they tell me that I see things through rose colored glasses.  But I’m just as confused when I hear others talk about their lives and they seem disappointed.  They talk about their lives like they were supposed to have some great adventure and they are upset it never happened.  I hear mothers say that they go to work to get away from their children.  I hear people talk about not being able to wait for summer vacation to be over so the kids go back to school.  I realize lots of times people don’t have a choice or they are just trying to be funny, but it makes me wonder just the same.  I love my life.  I love being a mother.  I love being married to my best friend.  That doesn’t mean I’m thrilled with six loads of laundry a day.  It doesn’t mean that I’m thrilled at having to pick toys up off the floor for the upteenth time.  But it does mean I make a conscious choice to be happy about it.  I can make it fun or a I can make it a chore.  I have chosen to look at my life with a different perspective because of all the things that have happened to me because of Codey and Kyle.  I know how quickly your life can change.  I know how much I would have given to spend more time with Kyle.  I am happy being at home because I know how blessed I am every day to get to love my children for one more day.  I have many, very sick children and that privilege won’t always be there.  I don’t take a moment that I get to spend with them for granted.

    It’s been 26 years since my dreams of two blonde-haired, sweet little boys ceased to be.  I thought my life was over.  I thought I’d never be happy again.  I questioned why it had to happen to me.  I questioned why God would allow something so devastating to happen to two parents who wanted nothing more than to love their children.  I had no clue what Kyle’s death and Codey’s life would change when we started out.

    But 26 years later, I have a small glimpse of the threads that will one day be the tapestry of Kyle and Codey’s life….

    Dan became a doctor with the promise to make life better for other children.

    Dan understands what it means to be the parent of a very, very sick child.  He knows how to talk to parents.  He knows how important it is to tell the truth in the nicest way possible.  He understands that sometimes no matter how hard you try a child will die.  He understands who his gifts come from and who is truly in control.  He learned that the things a parents need the most is to be heard, to know their child has worth, and to believe that their doctor has their child’s best interest at heart.

    I learned to not live my life in fear because you never know what the next day will bring.  You can worry about surgeries and when your child is going to die, but the reality is only God knows the number of anyone’s days.  So you might as well go on with your life and make the best of it, enjoying every wonderful moment you are allowed to have.

    I learned that sometimes doctors make mistakes and the consequences are devastating but blaming them and being bitter won’t change anything.

    I learned that not everyone will appreciate how hard you fought for your child to live.

    I have learned that most people will never understand the worth of a child who isn’t what the world considers “normal”.

    I have learned that you can do more and handle more than you ever thought possible, as long as you keep your eyes on the Lord.

    I have learned that by opening your heart to love, even with the possibility of loss, you gain beautiful blessings that are beyond measure.

    I have learned that the only thing you can take to heaven with you are your children.

    I have learned that sometimes people fulfill God’s plan and never measure up to man’s ideal.

    I have learned that sometimes scary things lead to wonderful things – Kyle lead to Hope which lead to Ben which lead to Evie which lead to Eli.

    I have learned that the death of a child really isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you – especially when you have the promise of forever.

    I have learned that doctor’s don’t always know what they are talking about.  We called our family down numerous times that first year because Codey wasn’t going to make it through the night.  We were also told he wouldn’t live past a year.  Sometimes, you just need to take it a day at a time.

    I have learned that the unconditional love of child truly is an amazing thing.

    I have learned that you should always forgive because you never know when your last day will be.

    I have learned that every day you have the choice to be happy or not.

    I have seen first hand the unshakeable spirit of a child who has been through more than any person should have to go through (close to 100 surgeries and 5 years in the hospital) and yet enjoys each and every day.

    I am blessed to be Codey’s mother. It’s not remarkable by most people’s standards, but it has been miraculous.  I have had a ring-side seat to some of the most amazing things.  You may look at Codey and see all that he isn’t able to do, but I look at Codey and see all that he can do.  He has done remarkable for a child that we were told, if he lived he would spend his life in a vegetative state, blind and deaf.   He gets around the house.  He loves Football, Wheel of Fortune, and the Price is Right.  He is truly a happy boy. Someday he will walk, someday he will talk, someday he will do all the things I dreamed he’d do.  Codey and Kyle have taught me more in my life than any other person.   My life has been harder with all we’ve gone through but I am a much better person for having them in my life.  It’s hard to not feel blessed by that.

    Happy birthday Codey & Kyle!   Mama loves you!