The Wake Up Call Part 2 – by Mom
A few weeks ago, I was driving my daughter’s car, I hit ice on a bridge, the truck in front of me slammed on his brakes, I hit the brakes, and Cassie’s car spun out on the ice. I ended up hitting the guardrail and stopped facing oncoming traffic in the middle of the left lane. The Deputy Sheriff was already there and yelled for me to get my car to the ditch. I couldn’t see because I had lost my glasses. Luckily, Cassie’s car was still driveable, so I was able to put the car in reverse and get to the shoulder, before any other cars went by. The deputy then jumped in the car and moved it for me. It was a frightening moment but I was unhurt and so very thankful.
It’s hard when your child is so mad at the world. It’s hard when they spew their anger all over you. Connected parenting works. Some days I applied it really well. On too many days though, my feelings were hurt. I know you aren’t supposed to take it personally but someone telling you over and over again that they hate you and that they wish you weren’t their mother weighs on you. Doubt sets in. I wondered what I was doing wrong. I would wake up, forgive, and start again but we seemed to be stuck in this awful cycle of non-connectedness.
Jasmine would push. I would try to respond in love. She would push harder. I would try to keep calm. She would up the ante and push more. I would be angry or cry. I liken it to being attacked by a mosquito. I was able to handle it for a while but those constant little jabs just wore on me. After hours of being stung, I wouldn’t stay as calm as I needed to be. The tears would come. After about a year I realized that is what Jasmine wanted. She needed that response. She needed me to be angry. Because when she was angry, she didn’t feel the guilt of the words she had said and the things she had done. Angry was a safe place so she would do whatever it took to get in a fight. When I wouldn’t respond to whatever she was doing, she would do more and more until she got the fight she was looking for.
As time wore on, I began to feel like I had failed. I mean how can someone come from such a horrible place and not want to be here in our home? I understood the pushing away part. I understood the not trusting a “mother” figure part. I understood not wanting to be hurt again. I had read the books. I got it. It was the not wanting a family and wanting to go back to China that I had a hard time with. It wasn’t until years later that I would understand she wanted to go back to make them take back their angry words and say they were wrong. She wanted them to say she wasn’t worthless. She didn’t want to leave us and stay in China, she just wanted revenge.
There’s a quote going around right now that says…
“Remember – Everyone has a story that will lead to defiance or misbehaving. 9 times out of 10 the story behind the misbehavior won’t make you angry. It will break your heart.” – Annette Breaux
I believe this fully but it was getting harder and harder to keep that in mind as time went on. Weeks turned into months and months turned to a year, then two years, then three, and now its been almost four years. We couldn’t find a way to break the cycle. The more Jasmine misbehaved, the guiltier she felt, and the angrier everyone else got. The more guilt she felt, the more she needed to be angry to not feel that guilt. The more no one responded the harder she pushed. She would misbehave, others would react, forgiveness would be given, and then it would all start again. It went on and on. It was an awful cycle.
The rest of the kids were angry because they couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t stop and why she hated me. They didn’t understand why she could do and say the things she did to me. They hated their orphanages too, but they didn’t hate me so they couldn’t understand why Jasmine did and said the things she did. They hated that it made me sad. I tried really hard to not let them see my tears. I said over and over again that we need to forgive and I showed them by forgiving. But no matter how many times I said, “We need to forgive because Jesus forgives us.” it got harder and harder for them to do that as time went on. I reminded them often that there may be a time in their future when they will need the same grace and mercy and they would want their family to support them through their hard times too. We all need forgiveness.
My hardest part through this whole thing was I felt like I was enabling Jasmine. I couldn’t find a way to make it stop. Jasmine never, ever said she was sorry. There was never any remorse on her part. So we would move through this dance. I would say that I don’t want to play this game any more. Jasmine would laugh and say the things she usually said. She would scream and yell mean things for days and once she had finally let go of all her anger she would want to start over. Since Jasmine is unable to move we couldn’t do any of the physical stuff to help her release her anger. We gave her many options to help with her anger but she wanted nothing to do with any of them. She would just finally be done and expect me to be happy and just move forward. I could do that most of the time but as the years wore on, it got harder and harder to do. Things were getting worse NOT better.
When I had my accident, it was a wake-up call for me. I had decided that no matter what happened with Jasmine, I was going to do all things in love. That was what made me the saddest. I was having a harder and harder time being patient and calm and filled with love. I had just decided I was going to be as loving as I could be no matter how mad or sad my heart was. Sooner or later she would see that I truly loved her or I was going to go to my deathbed trying.
After the accident and spending the day at the adoption conference with Cassie, I went home to tell Jasmine what I had decided. I was going to start over once again. I wanted a new start. I was hopeful we could once and for all stop this cycle of anger.
Jasmine stopped me in my tracks. She had heard about the accident and had been thinking about it. She cried and cried. She asked for forgiveness and told me over and over again that she loved me.
This was an answered prayer for sure.
Both of us needed God’s forgiveness. Both of us needed His grace and mercy.
I love Jasmine so much and as a mother having your child say they hate you is one of the worst things ever. It truly is. It broke my spirit. The things she said hurt so much. I had a very hard time with not taking it personally. I failed as often as she failed.
But now there was a way to move forward. I feel like a new person and so does she. She was very brave to share her feelings and give me that gift for my birthday. Now I want to share mine. I have many things to be sorry for over the past four years. I added to the drama. I tried hard but failed too often. I wasn’t as patient as I could have been. I raised my voice when I should have stayed calm.
We have a beautiful family. Dan keeps reminding me of this fact over and over again. Yes, there was drama with Jasmine but everyone else is doing pretty darn good. But isn’t that how life is? Nothing is ever completely good or completely bad. There is joy with the sorrow. There is laughter along with angry words. There is death and new life. There are really, really good times along with the bad.
My hope in sharing this story is that others find forgiveness too. That it doesn’t take a major accident or illness to finally reach you. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. If you have things left unsaid or undone, please take this time to do what you need to do for peace in your heart. All things can’t be fixed and I get that, but knowing you did everything you could possibly do is a way to bring peace to your heart. I am praying for healing for those who need it. I am praying for the strength for you to try one more time. I am praying for love and happiness to surround your table this holiday season.