• Jasmine’s Dream – Hospital Stay

    Date: 2015.04.02 | Category: Jasmine's Blog | Tags:









    Surgery Four Times

    On January 12th, Dad and Mom took me to the hospital for many health checks. Then Dad and Mom took me to eat super spicy noodles! Then they took me to the movie theater to watch “Anna”.

    On January 13th the doctor did surgery. Before the surgery, the doctor had me drink a super bitter medicine. Mom told me that the doctor would put a metal thing on my back and I can’t sit up for six weeks. Then I don’t know what happened.

    My surgery took 5 hours. When I woke up I was little dizzy. I heard Mom say, “Hello, Jasmine.” At that time my back really hurt. It hurt so much that I couldn’t sleep at night.

    I spend 6 days in the hospital. Then Dad, Mom and I went home. When we got home I couldn’t eat many things. One day I felt super hot and one day I felt super cold, so Dad and Mom took me back to the hospital, and Mom said that I fever.

    I couldn’t believe I had to live in the hospital again. I went to a big hospital for surgery. The doctor opened my back. That was my second surgery.

    Then one day my back was bleeding. I didn’t know why it was bleeding. I was very scared because I had to have another surgery. My third surgery took one hour.

    A few days later I had another surgery. Four surgeries made me very scared.


    Mama’s blog about the hospital stay – Jasmine’s Journey










    在医院的日 子有妈妈和爸爸陪伴我!我很开心她们没有丢下我。妈妈和爸爸和我一起经历痛苦。有时候我哭闹像一个小孩子一样的因为我不喜欢医院里的那些东西,因为有时候那些东西让我好害怕。

    The Things That Scared Me the Most

    When I knew I was going to have surgery I was very excited because my back will be very straight and I will be very tall! However, I also was very scared because I would be staying in the hospital for a couple of days. At the same time I also scared that mom and dad will leave me at the hospital because it happen to me before and I was very scared at the time.
    One time my heart messed up and because of this feeling and I had a fight with mom. The reason of the fight was because I didn’t want to play tea party. I thought I have a very small heart because I get mad with mom just because of that small stuff. Mom asked me what was wrong. I said nothing. Mom asked me if I was mad or not and I said no. Mom asked if I was sad or not and I said no.
    Actually I lied to mom. I was very scared that mom and dad will leave me at the hospital. I told mom and she said that she will not leave me at hospital. I believe mom but I still scared of it.
    The days in the hospital I had mom and dad beside me! I was very happy they didn’t leave me. Mom and dad went through the pain with me. Sometimes I cried like little kids because I didn’t like the stuff in there, because sometime that stuff really scared me.