Jasmine’s Blog – My purpose for Life
Before I had my surgery, I wondered what I could do with my life. I didn’t know if there was any way I could help people. I can not move very much so I didn’t think I could do very much but mama and daddy say God has a purpose for me. They keep telling me this even though I didn’t believe them.
Mama and daddy gave me Joni Aereckson Tada’s book. Joni’s story is like mine because she could not move and she wondered what purpose her life could have. One day Joni says that she was living a life that was selfish and all about herself. She realized that she could do something to fulfill her purpose for God. Many, many people believe in God because they heard Joni’s story.
After my surgery, I was mad that I couldn’t walk. I thought the surgery would fix me. I had hard time and was very mad for over a year. Mama and daddy talk to me a lot about how my story is like Joni’s and I could make a big difference in the world even though I can not walk. They said I can help people. They said I can help kids get adopted. They said I can let other people know what it is like to be an older child who was adopted. I can tell people about life in the orphanage. I can tell people about God. Mama and daddy say that Joni is a very good role model to have.
Sometimes I still have a hard time seeing how God can use my life. But sometimes God lets me see the people I help. Sometimes they write to me on my blog. Sometimes I hear stories that people tell my mom. And sometimes I get to see how my life affected someone else’s.
Right now in China there is a little girl who just got adopted by a nurse who took care of me during my back surgery. I am happy that God let this nurse take care of me and that she heard about adoption and China. She is a really nice nurse.
Mia is a really cute little girl. I am happy she gets to come home to this very good family.
Sometimes life is very sad and we hear about kids who die and can’t get anything to help them. Sometimes I feel sad because there are so many kids that I can’t help. But it’s really nice when there is a happy story that I get to share. I had a little part to do with Mia getting adopted and that makes me very, very happy.
My life does have a purpose and I can help people. We all can help people. We all can do something. That’s a pretty cool thing to think about.