Jasmine’s Blog – Life is a Test
God made us for a reason.
I am reading Nick Vujicic’s book. He used to think that he couldn’t do anything because he has no legs. Before he even thought he wished he could die. His daddy told him that he could not die because God made him for a reason. Mommy and daddy tell me that too.
One day Nick understood that God had made him for a reason. He decided to be happy and to go out and talk and help lots of people. He decided he could be an inspiration to other people without legs. He could show people you could be happy.
Everyone is the same too. God has a reason for your life. God made me this way for a reason too. I sometimes think if I didn’t have SMA I would still be in China and I not know about God. I would not be able to learn about God and I would not know about orphans. Mama says that lots of people in China don’t even know that there are orphanages. I could not help orphans if I did not know about them.
If I didn’t almost age out, then I wouldn’t understand how that feels.
I have SMA and every year my body can get weaker, but I can still have joy. I know as long as I wake up in the morning God has a plan for me.
This world is like a test. God wants to know how we will do with our test. Sometimes the test is really hard. Because life can be very hard. Any test that God gives you is for your good not for bad. The world can be evil. Man sometimes does wrong. It’s not God’s fault it’s man’s fault. God always loves us because He wants what is best for us.
It wasn’t God that put me in an orphanage. My grandma made that choice. Mama says that I have to forgive her because I don’t know why she did it but God’s plan was not for me to be in an orphanage. But God can make good out of the bad.
Sometimes life can be really hard but we have a choice to be happy or be sad. So it is like a test of how you will be. Mama says every day is a new start so we can choose joy every day.
Before when I realized that I was not going to walk I was sad too. But mommy and daddy teach me how to be happy. They tell me not to feel sorry for myself. They say it is ok to have a bad day but not to be sad all day long.
You can choose joy too. You have a purpose. Ask God and He will show you.
James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.