• Jasmine’s Blog – Life in the Orphanage

    Date: 2014.11.12 | Category: Jasmine's Blog | Tags:










    Jazz and mom


    Hugs and Kisses


    When I lived in the orphanage, I didn’t know how to hug and to kiss. Because when I lived in the orphanage, people never hugged me before. I didn’t know what it feels like when people hug you. What kinds of feelings would I have when they hug me? However, at that time I didn’t know how it would feel.


    There are many people who hug and then kiss in the US. When mom and dad adopted me, mom, dad, sister and grandma would all kiss and hug me. When mom hugged me, I didn’t know what do to. Mom took my hand up, and then I hugged mom. I was very happy!


    There were many people who hug me when I came to America. Now I know being hugged by people is very warm! At night we will say good night, then we will give hugs and kisses.


    That kind of feeling is very warm and blessed!