Jasmine’s Blog – First Time Meet Mama
*Jasmine started to write this blog and it made her very sad. She had about half of it written. It was taking a long time to write it out so we decided to try something different. She dictated her words to me and I typed them and then we google translated the last half and she corrected it.
第一次跟妈妈见面*茉莉花开始写这个博客,这让她很伤心。她了花费很长的时间写出来,所以我们决定尝试一些不同的方法。 她决定她说话给我听,我来打字。 我第一次跟妈妈见面的,她收养了我。她和我在沙发上坐了下来。她抱着我。我觉得奇怪,因为我从来没有人拥抱我。 但是妈妈抱着我的时候,我觉得我的心里如此温暖和充满爱。 我们回到了酒店。在酒店妈妈问我想吃什么东西?我说我想吃肯德基。妈妈去买肯德基回来。我吃肯德基。 这个真的好好吃。当我吃完了所有的肯德基,妈妈帮我洗澡。 我很害怕,当我见到妈妈。我不知道,她是不是很好还是不好的。我知道我的妈妈很好,因为在那个晚上,我要水,她去把它给我喝。 当我问别人给我弄水,他们就嚷嚷,说你不能有水喝, 如果你喝水你就会去便盆。 妈妈知道怎么唱。她唱歌,我不知道她说的话。我不明白,但我觉得妈妈很搞笑。有时候妈妈喜欢给我挠痒痒。 她妈妈很喜欢唱歌。我也很喜欢唱歌。妈妈喜欢跳舞。 妈妈和大姐带我去便盆。他们唱歌,我不明白。他们是非常愚蠢的。当我做的一切,他们会说耶!他们总是让我发笑。 我从来不知道傻了,直到我见到妈妈。 在晚上的时候,我和妈妈睡在一起。我很高兴,因为我觉得妈妈的小宝贝, 因为我从来都没有和自己妈妈睡觉在一起我的第一个mama.1 我的第一个妈妈,她不爱我。我小的时候我没有经常看到我的第一个妈妈非常多。 我不知道为什么第一个她妈妈不喜欢我。有一次我生病了。 我真的希望我的第一个妈妈能来看我在医院里,但是她不来看我。 那个时候,我真的很伤心。我说:“为什么妈妈不想来看我呢?” 我生病了,为什么她不来看我。我说,“她是我的妈妈吗? 或不是我的妈妈?”她像我不是在她的肚子里生的。 有时候,我看到有一个爸爸还有妈妈带她们的孩子去什么地方玩呀的, 去吃饭,或者去逛街的呀,我为什么不能?有时候,我觉得很伤心, 因为我没有妈妈和爸爸要带我去什么地方,或者去什么地方玩, 或有乐趣的爸爸妈妈或。我只是住在一起,我奶奶和我的爷爷。 奶奶是好的。她带我去学校一点点。爷爷喜欢喝坏的东西。 他去上班。他不是很好。他会变当他喝酒。他会非常生气, 妈妈第一次来看我在孤儿院。她没有说什么给我。她只是看着我。我觉得很悲哀。我不明白为什么我的家人这样对我。我小的时候, 没有人爱我。我去学校,我没有人和我玩, 因为我不能走路只可以是坐在椅子上,因为我不能走路。 老师对我很好。孩子们还没有很好的。孩子们跑到外面玩耍的发挥。 我没有与任何人玩。 有一天,当我在学校我奶奶和我的叔叔和爷爷没有来接我回家。他们忘了我在学校里。一整天,晚上我坐在桌旁。他们来接我回家, 在晚上11点。我很喜欢这所学校,他们教了我很多。 我现在能去为3或4个月。我需要停下来, 因为我奶奶带我去孤儿院。 我的祖母告诉我,我们去看看我的哥哥。我没有看到我的哥哥。她走到我送到孤儿院,但她说她会来接我在新的一年。我哭了, 哭了。我很害怕。我不吃饭。保姆是可怕的。 我明白了做保姆与其他孩子,我很害怕。奶奶参观了我几次, 但她在新的一年后,再也没有回来。 孤儿院转移到另一座大楼。我们先住在老房子的5或10个孩子,然后我们去新楼。我看到奶奶有一次在新的建筑, 然后她永远不会再来。 当我年纪大了我的第一个妈妈又生了一个孩子。这个孩子得了病,总是去医院。我的第一个妈妈去医院她花所有的时间与宝宝。 我没有再见到那个孩子。我想我的奶奶带我去孤儿院, 她可以带的婴儿。我不知道。 有一天,在我生日那天我第一个妈妈来看我,在我奶奶家,她来看我,但我的叔叔送给我礼物。当她来到她不会给我的礼物, 连拥抱都给我她还是看着我。我不知道为什么。 我没有一个妈妈了13年。我几乎14,当我得到通过,并去美国。我喜欢有一个妈妈。它感觉很好有妈妈爱你。妈妈可以照顾你。 妈妈带我逛街,出去玩,去一起吃饭,做有趣的东西。 我妈妈陪着我在医院里。我做四次手术,她留在我身边所有的时间,我在医院里。她睡在我的房间。妈妈永远不会离开我在医院里呆着。 我喜欢妈妈陪着我在医院里。有时候我很生气, 因为我有很多不好的回忆,但妈妈不生气。妈妈让我冷静下来。 我知道我的妈妈是爱我的。First time I meet mama, she adopted me. She and me sat down on the couch. She hold me. I feel weird because I never had people hug me. But mama hug me, I feel my heart so warm and full of love.
We went back to the hotel. In the hotel mama ask me I want to eat what food? I said I want to eat KFC. Mama go buy KFC and came back. I eat KFC. It is really good. When I all done eat KFC, mama help me take a bath.
I was scared when I meet mama. I not know if she nice or not nice. I knew my mama was nice because in the night I ask for water and she go get it for me. When I ask others to get me water they would yell and say you can no have water because you have to go potty.
Mama knows how to sing. She sing and I don’t know what she saying. I don’t understand but I feel mama is very funny. Sometime mama like to tickle me. Mama she very like to sing. Me too I like to sing too. Mama like to dance.
Mama and big sister had to take me to the potty. They sing songs I don’t understand. They be very silly. When I all done, they yelled yay! They make me laugh. I never knew silly until I meet mama.
In the night I and mama sleep together. I very happy because I feel like mama’s little baby because I never sleep by my first mama.
My first mama she don’t loves me. I little I don’t see my first mama very much. I don’t know why first mama don’t like me. One time I get sick. I really hope my first mama can come see me in hospital, but she not come and see me. That time I really sad. I said, “Why mama don’t want to come see me?” I am sick so why she not come see me. I say, “Is she my mama or not my mama?” She act like I not in her tummy.
Sometimes I see the kids that have a daddy and mama that go play somewhere, go eat, or go shopping with kids, why can’t I? Sometimes I feel very sad because I don’t have daddy or mama that want to take me go somewhere or go play somewhere or have fun. I just live with my grandma and my grandpa. Grandma is nice. She take me go to school for a little bit. Grandpa like to drink bad stuff. He go to work. He not very nice. He get very mad when he be drinking.
Mama one time come to see me in the orphanage. She not say anything to me. She just look at me. I feel very sad. I don’t understand why my family do that to me. I feel like I little and nobody love me. I went to school and nobody played with me because I had to just sit on a chair because I not walk. Teacher was nice to me. The kids were no nice. The kids went outside to play for playtime. I not have nobody to play with.
One day when I was in school my grandma and my uncle or my grandpa no come and get me. They forget I at the school. I sit at the table all day and night. They come get me at 11 at night. But I like the school they teach me lots. I get to go for 3 or 4 months. I need to stop because my grandma take me to orphanage.
My grandma tell me we go see my brother. I no see my brother. She walk me up to the orphanage but she say she will come get me in New Year. I cried and cried. I was very scared. I do not eat. The nannies were scary. I see what the nannies do with the other kids and I was scared. Grandma visited me a couple times but she didn’t come back after the new year.
The orphanage moved to another building. We first lived in an old house with 5 or 10 kids and then we go to new building. I see grandma one time in new building and then she never come again.
When I was older my first mama had a baby again. This baby got sick and always go to the hospital. My first mama go to the hospital all the time with the baby. I didn’t see that baby again. I think my grandma took me to orphanage so she could take care of that baby. I don’t know.
One day on my birthday my first mama come to see me at my grandma’s house, she come and see me but my uncle gave me gift. When she come she not bring me gift, not hug me or look at me. I don’t know why.
I didn’t have a mama for 13 years. I almost 14 when I get adopted and go to America. I like having a mama. It feels so good to have a mama love you. Mama can take care of you. Mama takes me shopping, out to play, go eat together, and do fun stuff.
My mama stay with me in the hospital. I do four time surgeries and she stay with me for all the time I in the hospital. She sleep in my room. Mama never leave me in the hospital by myself. I like mama stay with me in the hospital. Sometimes I get mad because I have lots of bad memories but mama not mad. Mama just let me calm down.
I know my mama loves me.