What Changed Your Mind?
All the posts and pictures on the 4th, of the sweet children we have come to know through adoption, got me to thinking about what makes people adopt and also wonder what makes people hold back when they’ve considered it. I’ve heard it over and over again. “I’ve always wanted to adopt, but….”
When we adopted Hope, it was out of the blue. It wasn’t something we had planned. We saw a child in need and stepped in to help. Maybe that is part of it. If a hurting child was right there in your front yard, you’d do something. If you saw a malnourished child, abandoned, needing love and attention, you’d do something. Even if you weren’t called to adopt that specific child, you’d do something. You’d find them help. You’d support them. You’d help others who could adopt them. You’d step up because that is what we do, but because these children aren’t right in front of us we pretend it isn’t happening.
When we started talking about adoption again, it was Dan who wanted to proceed. Dan had read Max Lucado’s book, Outlive Your Life. and decided we should consider adopting. There was a need, we could help, and we could no longer pretend it wasn’t happening.
I, on the other hand, considered everything everyone else would think. I was 45 years old. People started being grandparents at my age. My life was stable, happy, comfortable even. It was crazy to think about adopting and I wouldn’t budge. And then I read the words in Mary Beth Chapman’s book, Choosing To See. Her daughter asked, “Is it better for an orphan to have an older mother or no mother at all?” I cried all night. Those were the words that changed my heart.
I knew some where there was a child that God was asking me to parent and I was refusing to proceed because of the fear of what others would think of me. Some where there was a little one who needed a mama’s love and I was leaving them alone, afraid, frightened, with little hope for a bright future because someone might think I was too old. I hate that those were my thoughts. God started working overtime on my heart. Little did I know where God would take us over the next three years. What an amazing “stand back and watch God” ride this has been.
My heart was forever changed for the better that night. I learned to follow God’s lead. I learned to trust Him even when it didn’t make sense. I learned to let go of my fears and I deeply regretted all those moments that I drug my feet and refused to trust God’s plans for my life. My post on Facebook from the other day says it all.
Rick Warren describes Dan and my past few months (past couple years actually) perfectly!
“As a follower of Jesus Christ, he expects you to obey whatever he tells you to do — even if it appears foolish to other people, even if it doesn’t make sense financially, even if you don’t understand it and you’re scared to death.”
Pretty much describes the past 130 days – following in obedience, not truly understanding how it could possibly work, and standing in awe of the faithfulness of God!
On that same post another adoptive mother commented the following:
“It was one of his daily devotionals 3 years ago that my hubby and I felt was an answered prayer and helped us finally make the decision to drop all our excuses and just jump on board with our first adoption.”
Which made me wonder about other parents, did they always know they would adopt? Were there words that changed their hearts too? You know I believe in the power of the written word. God reaches us through other’s words. What words changed your heart? Was it a devotional? A book? Another adoptive parent’s words? Song lyrics? What words made you proceed when you were once unsure?
I would love it if you would share your words in the comments. When we are done, I will make a blog with all the books, quotes, music, and words that moved our hearts. Who knows who may be out there sitting on the fence about adoption and the words you write may be just what their heart needed to hear.
Adoption update – We have received our 1-800 and we are now waiting on the NVC to issue our letter that will go to the American Consulate in Guangzhou so they can start the children’s visas. After that is done, the Article 5 can be issued, the consulate appointment will be made, and travel approval will come.
Tomorrow we have 40 days left. I am hoping they issue the letter on the first day they receive it. The tracking number says they should receive it on 7/8/14.
I believe big things are going to happen in this 7th month of 2014. I have a thing about the number 7. My father-in-law started it years ago when we discussed the numbers that show up in the Bible over and over again. Numbers that had special meaning and were considered holy. The number 7 and the number 40 are two of them. The number 7 is used in the Bible 735 times. Seven is considered the number of completeness and perfection, both physical and spiritual. So tomorrow on the 7th month of 2014 with 40 days left, it would be a perfect day to receive our very next step, don’t you think?
Here is a devotional I received from our social worker a couple months ago. As I have said before, I love quotes and inspirational sayings. I love words that move your heart and encourage you. This devotional brought a smile to my face and encouraged my heart in trusting where God was leading us. We didn’t plan on having 14 children, but I love the way God works.
2014 is a powerful year of “Double Portion.”
The number “7” means “Perfection.”
The number “14” means “Double Perfection”…a Double Portion!
Isaiah 61:7,
“Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.
Everlasting joy will be yours. I like those words because it means joy in the Lord. It doesn’t mean that every day will be easy or filled with happiness. It means that I will be content and filled with joy in the Lord for following His lead, knowing this is the journey we are meant to be on. That is a special kind of blessing. One I don’t take lightly. You’ve heard me say it before….
I am, without a doubt, seriously blessed.