• They’re going to China!

    Date: 2012.03.07 | Category: Uncategorized | Tags:

    Hello! This Cassie, and if I can figure out how to work this darn thing, I will be updating you on my momma and daddy’s ‘joyful chaos’ trip.

    For those of you who don’t know, I’m Cassie. (Oh yeah, I already told you that :))  I’m holding down the fort until the reinforcement (aka Zach) gets home on Saturday afternoon. Mom and Dad are sitting in O’Hare as we speak. They flew from DSM to O’Hare, then fly up and over to Beijing. It goes something like this:


    They will be 13 hours ahead of us when they land, so it will be about 2 AM our time, but around 4 pm the next day their time. It’s very confusing. Thank God for phones with world clocks 🙂 This will be a long flight for them; both on the way there, because they are anxious, and on the way back, because a 14 hour flight with two non-English speaking little ones will be quite interesting. They could definitely use some prayers. Thanks guys!