Thank you!
Today I started to write a blog about Jasmine and I noticed what number post my next post would be. It would be number 200. That is just crazy! I told my husband I couldn’t believe I had that much to say and he laughed. I’m not sure why….it’s not like I’m a talker or anything. Ha! Ok, family and friends who know me well, you can stop laughing now.
To top everything else off I got my year end results for visits to the blog. 39,969 visits. I called my mother-in-law and she has guaranteed me that she didn’t just sit at home and sign on and off 100’s of times a day so that means the blog has a few followers. I mention this number not to brag but to say “thank you”. I am amazed because I know that I personally do not know the 1,000’s of unique visitors that it says I have had to my site.
Thank you to all of you who follow our story. Thank you to those who pray for our family. Thank you for your support and encouragement over the past 18 months. Thank you for your kind words when my heart was hurting and for celebrating with us when we had great news. It constantly amazes me and humbles me that we have such a great group of prayer warriors covering our children as they grow. Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!
Praises to God who continues to bless us in ways we could never even imagine. You’ve heard me say it before and I’m sure I will say it again….I am seriously blessed. My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude. May your new year be blessed too!