Our Trip
This has been an amazing adventure. Dan & I were discussing this morning how blessed we are to be allowed to love these children. My heart overflows with love for them. I have had many people comment on Benjamin’s heart defect. They ask if it’s easily fixable & we say there is no fix. They say we’re brave. It’s funny because I’m not necessarily the most courageous person but I do have faith. I trust that this is right. I have the knowledge that 5 days is not enough & what I wouldn’t have given for a year with Kyle. A month is precious, a year a gift beyond measure & a decade an eternity. I don’t take things for granted but I know not to give up hope either. Codey should not be here, yet he is. Hopey has defied the odds. Who knows what the future holds for my Benjamin. Who knows what it holds for any of us. I shall shower Benjamin with a mother’s love for as long as I am allowed & await the day when we are together again when that day comes.