• Godcindences

    Date: 2012.08.31 | Category: Thoughts to ponder | Tags:

    I wrote to a friend of mine that I met on our trip to China.  The Wong family have adopted many times from China and I really loved their family dynamic.  This family had gone back to get a little girl that had been like a big sister to the little girl that they had recently adopted.  Blythe was a sweet girl and it really gave me hope regarding adopting Lauren.  I wrote to the mom telling her of the adventure God was calling us to.   She wrote back and told me that she knew a large homeschool family that had recently been approved to bring 3 children home at the same time.  What are the odds of that?  CCAI just told me that a couple of weeks ago China had approved one family and we could pray and try to do the same.  And my friend actually knew the family.  She sent me the other family’s e-mail address and their blog.  On their blog was the following verse and poem.  I loved them both and had to share them.  (The other good news?  The are older than 50 and still adopting which means I don’t have to quit just because I turn 50.  Just wait until Dan hears the good news!)

    Isaiah 43:5   Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.


    Some would gather money

    Along the path of life

    Some would gather roses,

    And rest from strife.

    But I would gather children
    From among the thorns of sin,
    I would seek a golden curl,
    And a freckled, toothless grin.

    For money cannot enter
    In the land of endless day,
    And roses that are gathered
    Soon will wilt along the way.

    But oh, the laughing children,
    As I cross the sunset sea,
    And the gates swing wide to heaven,
    I can take them in with me!
    ~ Author Unknown~