Faith Like A Child
Recently I had to make a chart so we could keep track of who was supposed to say the prayer at meal time. It got me to thinking about the faith of a child. What does it mean to have the faith of a child?
Well, when was the last time you exuberantly fought over the right to say the prayer at mealtime? When was the last time you threw your arms into the air and shouted “Amen!”? When was the last time you sang out a song of praise just because you were rejoicing in all the Lord has done in your life? When was the last time you didn’t worry and instead said, “God’s got this!”? When was the last time you jumped out of bed at the chance to go to church instead of rolling over and hitting the alarm and wishing you could just sleep in? When was the last time you clapped your hands over the chance to put a dollar in the offering plate?
I am amazed at my children’s love for the Lord. I watch them trust the Lord and His plans and not question the whys. I have learned so much about faith and trust just by watching them. I have seen them take the teachings I have shared and plant them firmly in their hearts. I have heard them claim God’s promises with such assurance that it brought tears to my eyes.
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. – Deuteronomy 11:19
I have watched my children walk with confidence because they know God is in control. My children love God with a radical love. My children share what they have and care for others. My children anxiously await adding two more children into our mix. They aren’t afraid of having to share their food or their toys or their parents. They are thanking God for the chance to have two more siblings.
How tightly are you holding on to what you own? How often do you show compassion and caring to others around you? How often does your life look radical?
“I could not help but think that somewhere along the way we had missed what was radical about our faith and replaced it with what is comfortable.” – David Platt