Elyse asks, “Do You Know the Love of Jesus Christ?”
Up again with Lainey at 4 a.m. My clock has been reset from daylight savings time, but Lainey’s has definitely not. I have been looking through my drafts on my blog – 15 half written posts, including our homecoming post from our last adoption, which just happens to have been one year ago. 15! So why am I taking the time to start another one? Because I believe Elyse’s question deserves a blog all it’s own.
Yesterday my brother brought my grandma down to visit. Elyse has seen my grandma one other time in the year she has been home. While Elyse was talking to my grandma and Tracy, she asked them, “Do you know the love of Jesus Christ?”. They stared at her and I clarified that she did indeed ask them what they thought she said. They answered in the affirmative and Elyse was so very happy.
It wasn’t that long ago that Elyse asked another adoptive mom if she knew the love of Jesus Christ and if she loved children. On our way home, Elyse informed me that I could indeed be friends with this mama since she loved children and Jesus.
I’m never quite sure what to say to Elyse when she does this. She does this fairly often with strangers. I always get uncomfortable and flustered. I was raised in a quiet church. No one prayed out loud. No one asked others about their beliefs. We sent missionaries out into the world but nothing was said close to home. We didn’t ask our family about it. You were quiet and private about your life with God and your prayers. It’s just the way it was.
Many may have already heard this story but I will do a shortened version again for those of you who may not have heard. One day I was sitting on a bench at the Iowa State Fair and a stranger started talking to me. I can’t remember what we were waiting on but I had been there a while and we discussed many things. She asked me about my family. I said I have 5 children and mentioned their names, including Hope’s. She proceeded to tell me that she loved the name Hope and told me about a little girl that her church had been praying for and the miraculous story about her life. This random stranger told me all about MY Hope.
It was then that I realized God’s story was being told whether I was saying anything or not. I never talked about Hope’s life because I didn’t want people to think that I was tooting my own horn. We were blessed by having her in our life. We weren’t saviors. We were just two people who had decided to be obedient to God’s call and were blessed to be a part of her story.
I did realize in that moment though that even though I was refusing to tell of God’s miracle, His story about Hope was still being told. It just wasn’t me doing the telling and I was the one who had seen it first hand. How could I not share this miracle that we were allowed to be a part of? So many things had to line up for her to be in the NICU at the same time that Dan was, I still stand in awe of what occurred and it’s been 16 years.
The above story was what lead Dan and I to decide to share our adoption story. We prayed about it for quite a while. We knew it would be hard for us to talk publicly about it, but that adoption stories needed to be told. People need to see that yes it is hard but it is such a blessing too. Dan is a pretty private guy so this decision truly was a hard one. I’m a talker but I talk about fluff. I am not able to stand in a group and gush about God’s glorious provisions. We knew what being public meant, that it was opening ourselves up to criticism and scrutiny, but we felt it was worth it if we could make adoption not seem so scary and help another child get adopted.
Dan and I knew we were being blessed by being obedient. We had no clue all of the wonderful miracles that would happen along the way. The past 4 years have blown me away. God has shown up time and time again. I am so totally undeserving and yet have been blessed just by uttering a “yes”.
So this begs the question, “Why wouldn’t I want to ask everyone I know if they too know the love of Jesus Christ?” When God has done so much in my life, why would I not want to share? God is such an important part of my everyday life why do I still get so flustered? I don’t know. I guess I will blame it on all those years of being trained to be quiet as a child.
I love that Elyse is not afraid to ask. I love that she wants you to feel the same joy she has. Elyse is so sure of God’s love. She is a very smart little girl and has embraced God having a plan for her life. She understands that God didn’t intend for her to lose her first family or for the bad things that happened. She understands man has free will and can choose what he does. She does see the good in Dan and I being obedient and saying “yes” when we saw her picture. She prays for all the other children who wait. Elyse firmly believes those children wait just because someone else hasn’t uttered their “yes”. I am so very happy that we said “Yes” when we saw this picture.
So if you one day meet Elyse don’t be surprised if you hear these words, “Do you know the love of Jesus Christ?” I will be standing there with a smile on my face wishing I could have the same child-like love for a God that deserves me standing on the corner shouting for all the world to hear….
“Do you know the love of Jesus Christ?”
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16