Eli update
For all those who have been praying for our little ones, I have an update on Eli. I heard yesterday that they are still trying hard to get Eli added to this trip. It would take a miracle, but I know who is in charge and last I heard He was pretty good at that miracle thing. Please continue to pray that we can get him on this trip. It would be so nice to not have to travel again in six months and it would be better for Eli to not have to wait.
I have been hesitant to talk about him because I don’t want to get my hopes up and I have been afraid that something would go wrong. I was afraid if I talked about it and it didn’t happen then what would others think? Recently though, I have been reading through the Bible with the Facebook group (Read through the Bible 2013) and have come across verse after verse talking about how people believed enough in Jesus and the disciple’s healing powers that they would just set people in the street and wait for the miracle (healing) to happen as they were passing by. They believed. I’ve read these verses before, but this time they really touched my heart. I started asking myself do I believe? Do I believe that God can truly do anything?
Acts 5:15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them.
Friends believed so much that they lowered their friends through a roof. Mark 2:1-12
They believed if they just touched Jesus they’d be healed, as in the women who touches the hem of Jesus garment. (Mark 5:24-34).
Verse after verse talks about people believing that if Jesus would just say the word, the dead would rise. (Mark 5:23, Luke 7:11-15, and John 11:38-53).
They believed. They believed. They believed.
I believe. It doesn’t mean I’m not fearful of where this will go, but I BELIEVE! I believe that Eli is my son. I have believed it from the moment I saw his little face in that newsletter and prayed to the Lord in heaven to let Him be mine. I believe it every single day when I hear Ben talk about his didi (little brother). Dan and I purposely choose to not talk about it for fear that the little ones wouldn’t understand. But Ben believes that Eli is his didi. Ben prays for Eli throughout the day. Ben talks about Eli and him playing train and watching Mickey. Ben says, “Eli and I are going to do this…..” and Ben believes it with his whole heart. I can’t explain it. It has to be a God thing.
I tried recently to explain to Ben that we would be getting the three girls but we would have to go back to get Eli. Ben told me “No mama. You bring Eli home.” I keep trying to tell him what is going to happen so he understands but over and over again he tells me that I am wrong and that Eli will be coming home when we travel.
We have been told they will do everything in their power to get him home soon. We have been approved on our homestudy for four. Immigration knows this. The only problem is the CCCWA. They have NEVER, ever approved four at one time before or at least that is what we have been told. Will they understand that our family is unusual and we can do this? I have so much help. I have a husband who specializes in the care of sick babies and works from home during the week. I have a mother and mother-in-law who are both retired and love nothing more than to spend the day with their grandchildren. I have a 20 year old daughter and a 24 year old son who live in an apartment on our property to be close to home and be a part of their younger siblings lives. My 20 year old daughter is specializing in special education and will be a huge help when we start to home school these little ones.
I believe that God has chosen us to be Eli’s parents. I believe that Eli will come home with us on this trip or the next expedited one because he is my son. But I also believe that God performs miracles every day. I believe that God can get it approved so that Eli will come home with us in April. I believe it with my whole heart and on that day I will be praising my God who is a miracle worker! I believe that God will show His great and glorious power and all will see what wonders He can do. I BELIEVE!
John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.