• Cupcake

    Date: 2011.04.02 | Category: Maisey | Tags:

    Ok. I can’t keep it inside anymore. A little more screaming from the rooftop kinda of information. On Thursday night Dan and I went out to eat. We were talking about all the changes in our life and how exciting they were. He proceeded to tell me that he had his nickname picked out for our new baby, where ever she is. He told me that now we were ready. She would be called “Cupcake”. He has given all his girls a nickname and his newest one had hers.

    We have been told that it would be up to a year before we heard about the baby we were trying to adopt. We were on a very long waiting list. So we started to pray for “Cupcake” and were excited about the prospect of her being somewhere or waiting to be born. We know God is in control and He has her under His care.  His timing is perfect and we were ready to wait.

    Yesterday, not even a full 24 hours later,  we received a call from the agency about a little girl, who is almost a year old.  They sent us pictures and asked us to try and decide.  I cried.  Who can say no to a baby?  But we have to make a decision that is right for the whole family.  She was beautiful, but had special needs.  But God is good and suddenly Cassie’s begging to take ASL last year made sense.  The baby is deaf and Cassie says she knows we can handle it.

    She is so beautiful.  When I looked at her, I knew she was my daughter so we have decided to adopt Cupcake and make her a part of this family.  I’m so excited.  Now I just have to wait for all the paperwork to be done and to fly half way around the world.  But I can see her face and I (and all my family and friends – hint, hint) can pray for her too!